तिहार मान्न विदेशबाट घर फर्किँदा गर्भमा अर्कैको नासो भेटेपछि श्रीमतीको हत्या>हेर्नुस भिडियोमा==> Pharkimda abroad, look for safely meeting the wo@mb ki!lls wife abroad, look for safely meeting the womb pharkimda ki!lls wife abroad, look for safely meeting the womb pharkimda KHOTANG ki!lls wife. Sir abroad safely return to home rule in the womb of his wife, Sonja se@cret. Foreign employment society because of numerous distortions have emerged .One incident khotana public has custody. Sir abroad safely return to home rule in the womb of his wife, Sonja se@cret. Foreign employment society because of numerous distortions have emerged .One incident has cu#stody