
साबधान दशैको बेलामा तपाई ले काठमाडौंमा मासु किनेर खादै हुनुहुन्छ भने होसियार !! हेर्नुहोस मासु काटेर बेच्ने ठाउँमा आज अनुगमन टोलि पुग्दा देखियो किरै किरा

6:50 AM

भिडियो सहित हेर्नुहोस !
Market inspectors have seized and destroyed 20 kilograms of rotten fish kept for sale in a local meat shop at Jorpati in the Capital on Tuesday.

The Department of Supply Management and Consumer Protection (DoSMCP) authorities found Jaya Bhimsen Meat Shop to be selling inedible fish during the market monitoring, according to market inspector Dhindiraj Pokharel.The only authorised market monitoring body of the government, DoSMCP, has been lately tightening the noose against those selling date-expired food items as well as other daily consumable commodities.
The DoSMCP has also been taking action against the shopkeepers selling products without labels, not storing goods properly and running businesses without legal documents.Similarly, Trishu Stores in Thapagaun and Lumbini Stores in the same locality were found to be selling date-expired cold drinks.

भिडियो सहित हेर्नुहोस !

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